
Having successful development teams that have the ability to fully leverage DevOps principles and Cloud computing in your organisation requires hard work and the right people to make it happen. Today, more than ever before, it’s crucial to have people that combine a large set of both soft and hard skills when having the right organisation, culture and architecture can be the difference between success and failure. Here at Teashaped, I, Kaj want to showcase what you can do to make your organisation or team better or, if you need it, reach out to get help if you find yourself in need of:

πŸš€ Coaching one or many teams to become highly productive teams

☁️ Designing a system or Cloud architecture

πŸ€– Platform engineering within the CNCF sphere

πŸ’ͺ Boosting a team or organization

Building it up from the roots

I have a proven background of combining a profound DevOps and agile mindset together with a keen problem solving and architectural thinking. The most common setup is for me to work in a team and boost that team and the organization around it by not only delivering solutions to complex problems, but also by taking absolute ownership and instilling trust in our stakeholders. A natural activity while being a team member is to be active in CoPs to also spread the good practices outside of the teams perimeter. Being humble and experimenting a lot are all traits that can be expected.

Technology changes

You could say that Teashaped specializes in generalisation, to be “T-shaped”.

Java has been the main backbone of my experience, but with the increased focus on cloud development there are so many other technologies which have been part of the regular go-to bag: Golang, Rust, Python & Bash to name some languages. But today, it’s so much more than just languages! Knowing CI/CD tooling, containerization & orchestration and working with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is just as important!

I would like to refer to myself as an technology agnostic builder.

More about Kaj

Kaj Fehlhaber
With 15 years of experience within software and having been
both a technical & team leader for multiple successful teams and products,
Kaj is unafraid of setting paths in unknown areas and leading teams through these

For up to date details about experience and skills, please visit ⭐ my LinkedIn ⭐

Teashaped Development is created by Fehlhaber Consulting AB.