Blog Posts

When managed services stop being fun

Let me tell you a story about a team were everything was going really smoothly… The service was built up as an event based system with micro services which had adopted hexagonal architecture and new features were easy to add. The stateless apps could run nicely in Kubernetes while Azure Event Hub was leveraged as an event streaming service. Azure Cosmos DB stood for the persistence. Life was good.

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May 13, 2024

The usefulness of polyglot services

We we’re just about to start with what we had thought to be a very simple converter… You know: When for example receiving a protobuf or json of some sort which is then transformed into a domain object for further handling. Only this time it was a little bit different… EXI? What the #!*$ is that? We knew that we would need to decode and also encode a format known as exi and that it is a format defined by W3S.

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March 23, 2024

Should you try out custom keyboards?

I have never understood the custom keyboard community… Why would you spend so much time and effort to have a special keyboard? Wouldn’t it just make it harder when getting to a regular keyboard and make yourself tied up? …Only to now find myself in this maze of split keyboards with custom bindings and what not! Let me share why I did this 180 and how I took the plunge and also (started to) get productive with my first custom keyboard.

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February 27, 2024

5 ways for teams to attract talent

🤔 It’s tough to attract talent… but lately I have not felt that this is the case! It requires long term effort from the company and lot of work from recruiters to make this happen, but there is also a lot of responsibility on the team since that’s where the working environment is. 💡 Let’s drill down on important aspects that you as a team should focus on when recruiting. Or at least, these are topics that I take with me from our successful recruitments from teams in recent times.

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November 9, 2023

The GitOps Journey 1 - Basics & Containers

In the past couple of months, I’ve been part a journey which led us to incrementally automate more and more of a service deployed in Kubernetes. During this period it became clear that there is a lot of talk about GitOps, but not very many hands-on, concrete, blogs and examples on the matter. This is my attempt at contributing this area. This will be the first part of a series of blog posts which I will be publishing where I will be building examples of real world CI/CD tooling.

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October 18, 2023

Story of a Story about Minimal Viable Change

Let me take you through the work process of a story we just worked with… I do this because I want to both challenge the view of testing, story slicing and the ever reoccurring plague of over- and pre-optimization, as well as giving some concrete examples of ways to break work apart in smaller pieces. I won’t go deep into details, but try to raise relevant parts in every step.

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July 5, 2023

The Remote Team Playbook

Was your Corona remote work period a lonely experience with a lot of Slack messages and PR:s to review? Well, it doesn’t need to be that bad, but let me share some experiences with working with remote mob programming as default. And before you say “That seems awfully inefficient, one programming and others watching!” - keep on reading! Let me share how I have been working in my two previous teams!

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February 9, 2023

I created a GitHub based homepage!

I didn’t want to put too much effort in creating a site, but at the same time create something that mirrors who I am. I work a lot with teams, cloud architecture and backend functionality, but have never really had the urge to do any advanced frontend work. What I do, however, is to focus on comprehensive documentation that is close to the code. Writing short, meaningful README:s with Mermaid or PlantUml for example.

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June 3, 2022