I created a GitHub based homepage!
I didn’t want to put too much effort in creating a site, but at the same time create something that mirrors who I am. I work a lot with teams, cloud architecture and backend functionality, but have never really had the urge to do any advanced frontend work.
What I do, however, is to focus on comprehensive documentation that is close to the code. Writing short, meaningful README:s with Mermaid or PlantUml for example.
Enter Jekyll & GitHub Pages
When I discovered Jekyll and that it can be hosted right out of Github using GitHub Pages, this fit me quite perfectly! It allows me to write my homepage in Markdown and to have all the resources visible to me right in my repo! I push my changes, and GitHub actions kick in to publish the changes. 🙌
Git on the go!
Writing posts on my mobile also works nice! For example, this particular part of the post was done using MGit & markor for Android. The cover picture of me in the sun was added to the post in markor, although it probably needs some automation to be smooth. 🤖
Quick start
The first thing I do when exploring something new is to check out what others have done. Examples are great for learning when backed with the proper documentation. I took a lot of inspiration from SimonDosdas blog, but have otherwise kept it quite vanilla.
Page is publicly available
The repo for this page is public, so check it out here 👈 Have a try! You can quite easily setup your own page.
/Kaj Fehlhaber